Experts on Inositol
Vittorio Unfer, M.D.
EGOI-PCOS Member – Specialist in obstetrics and gynecology
Systems Biology Group Lab, Rome, Italy
Vittorio Unfer (Rome, October 12, 1963) is a gynecologist, researcher, entrepreneur, and university professor. He has long been engaged in various researches on the etiopathogenesis and treatment of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). He is also responsible for important contributions on various therapies for infertility of both sexes.
In this regard, Vittorio Unfer was the first promoter of the use of myo-inositol in various therapeutic areas, paving the way for new approaches that have met with great interest in the scientific world. He is the author of numerous scientific publications and various international patents.
Degree in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Rome “Sapienza” (1991).
Specialization in Obstetrics and Gynecology at the II Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic of the Policlinico Umberto I of Rome (1995). Since 1995 he has followed more than 25 refresher courses in the profession.
He is currently a professor in the Department of Experimental Medicine of the “Sapienza” University of Rome. Since 1999 he has held various positions as a university professor: “Legal Medicine” at the Degree Course in Obstetrician at the University of Rome “Sapienza”; “Health Statistics” at the Degree Course in Obstetrician at the University of Rome “Sapienza”; “Nutrition, nutrition and food pathology in pregnancy” at the School of Specialization in Gynecology and Obstetrics of the University of Perugia; “Endocrinology of childhood, adolescence and women” at the II level University Master at the School of Specialization in Endocrinology, at the University of Messina; “Unconventional medicines in obstetric and nursing care and obstetric autonomy in the management of pregnancy, childbirth and low-risk childbirth” at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.
He has participated as speaker at numerous national and international conferences in the field of endocrinology, gynecology and obstetrics.
Since 2008 he has been Vice President of SIFIP, the Italian Society of Phytotherapy and Supplements in Psychopathology. Since 2005 he has been a member of the Verduci ECM Scientific Committee. Since 2010 he has been a founding member of ISCHOM, the international chocolate and cocoa society in medicine.
Since 2016 he has been Editor in Chief of the scientific journal “International Journal of Medical Device and Adjuvant Treatments” (IJMDAT).
Since 2017 he has been part of the Board of Directors of the International Society of Dietary Supplements and Phytotherapy (ISDSP), whose mission is to aggregate specialists of international level to promote the correct use of food supplements and phytotherapy in the daily diet and in clinical practice. ISDSP is the result of the evolution of the Italian Society of Phytotherapy and Supplements in Obstetrics and Gynecology (SIFIOG) of which Vittorio Unfer was President.
Since 2018 he is Editor in Chief of the Italian scientific journal Phitogynecea.
Inventor and owner of 16 national and international patents.
Fabio Facchinetti, M.D.
EGOI-PCOS Member – Full Professor at Department of Maternal-Child and Adult Medical and Surgical Sciences
Fabio Facchinetti was born in Bergamo (Italy), on June the 3rd, 1953.
M.D. at University of Cagliari, School of Medicine (1974-1980) and Post-graduation in Obstetrics & Gynecology, University of Modena (1982-1986).
Associate Professor (Integrative) “Pain in Obstetrics & Gynecology”, University of Modena (1985-1987) and Associate Professor in “Perinatal Medicine”, University of Modena & Reggio Emilia (1988-2018).
Director of the Section “Psychobiology of Reproduction” of the University Centre for Adaptive Disorders and Headache (UCADH) (1986-2004). Director “School of Midwifery” Univ. of Modena & Reggio Emilia (2002-2018).
Director “Birth Centre”, Mother-Infant Dept., AOU of Modena (2006-2013); Chairmen Gynecology and Obstetrics Unit, AOU of Modena (2013); Director Post-graduate School of Gyn. Obst, Univ. of Modena & Reggio Emilia (2016).
From 2018 he is full Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Univ. of Modena & Reggio Emilia.
His memberships are reported: President International Society of Dietary Supplement and Phytotherapy; President of “Perinatal Italian Network” – PIN; Executive Board of the International Society of Psychosomatic in Obstetrics & Gynecology; Executive Board of Global Obstetrics Network –GONet; Society of Maternal-Fetal Medicine -SMFM; Scientific Coordinator Società Italiana di Medicina Perinatale -SIMP.
Associate Editor: J. Mat-Fet. Neonat. Med.; Gynecol. Endocrinol. Editorial Board: J. Psychosom. Obstet. Gynecol., J. Pregnancy. Ad Hoc Reviewer: Brit Med J, Am J Obstet Gynecol, Hum Reprod, Fertil Steril, Reprod Sci, BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol.
His scientific interests are summarized:
- Preterm birth PRETERM
- Integrative foods and supplements
- Obesity
- Hypertension in pregnancy
Co-editor of several books and author of more than 500 papers in journals of the SCI (H-index 49). Organizer of several national and international Meetings/Congresses.
Principal Investigator of several trials carried out according to GC
Marialuisa Appetecchia, M.D.
EGOI-PCOS Member – Professor of the Oncological Endocrinology Unit of the Regina Elena National Cancer Institute-I.F.O. in Rome 00144, Via Elio Chianesi 53, Italy
Professor Marialuisa Appetecchia is currently the Chief of the Oncological Endocrinology Unit of the Regina Elena National Cancer Institute-I.F.O. in Rome 00144, Via Elio Chianesi 53, Italy.
She received her Master degree in Medicine and Surgery (summa cum laude) in 1984 at the Sapienza University of Rome. Specialized in Endocrinology (summa cum laude) at the SapienzaUniversity of Rome in 1987 and in Oncology (summa cum laude) at the Sapienza University of Rome in 1994.
In 1987 she joined the Service of Endocrinology, Regina Elena National Cancer Institute, Rome as attender. From 1993 to 2000 she worked as a senior staff member and from 2001 to present as Chief of the Endocrinology Unit, Regina Elena National Cancer Institute in Rome. From 1997 she is Contract Professor in “Endocrinology” at the Nursing University Degree, Sapienza University of Rome. From 2003 she is also Contract Professor in “Oncological Endocrinology” at the Endocrinology School, School of Medicine, Sapienza University of Rome. From the same year she is the Coordinator of the I.F.O. National Cancer Institute Regina Elena for the “Scuola Medica Ospedaliera” in Rome.
She is also a member of several national and international scientific societies such as The Endocrine Society in USA, AIOM (the Italian Association of Medical Oncology), S.I.E. (the Italian Society of Endocrinology), the Italian Thyroid Association (AIT), SIOMMS and ENETS . She is also board member and reviewer of several national and international scientific journals. From 2015 January she is member of the “ Study Group on Gender Medicine” of Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS). From 2015 December she is President of the Guarantee Committee of I.F.O. From 2016 February she is Coordinator of the Disease Team Management for Thyroid Cancer of IFO and from 2017 April Coordinator of the Disease Team Management for Neuroendocrine Tumors at the same Institution.
From 2017 July Referent for the Healthcare Area of the Warranty Committees Italian National Forum. Since 2017 Coordinator of the IFO for rare endocrine and neuroendocrine tumors in the European network EURACAN for solid tumors. From 2018 January she is Coordinator of the Working Group for the Promotion of Gender Health.
She has presented over 100 papers at National and International Congresses all with publication in Congress Proceedings. She has reviewed and participated in the drafting of scientific books published in print. She is author and co-author of over 80 publications in extenso, in national and international scientific journals.
She was scientific director of several national and international conferences and participated in the organization of many regional and national courses and conferences.
She coordinates work and study groups in collaborations with national and international universities and institutions. She is the organizer of training courses, conferences and congresses of a national nature for healthcare personnel and events for the population of an informative and screening nature.
- Her major scientific interest is focused on research involving:
- the design of new diagnostic and therapeutic strategies for human endocrine cancers, with the emphasis being placed on the identification and development of molecular and biochemical diagnostics tools
- studying novel thyroid and neuroendocrine cancer diagnostic and therapeutic strategies.
Professor Marialuisa Appetecchia has been and is the principal investigator and/or coordinator of several studies, granted by governmental and scientific organizations, focused on the new aspects of cancer development in emerging diseases
Cesare Aragona, M.D.
EGOI-PCOS Member – Associate Professor at the Department of Gynecological, Obstetric and Urological Sciences of the University of Rome “La Sapienza”
Director of UOC SMU C03 Infertility and Fivet, University Hospital “Policlinico Umberto I”, Rome
Cesare Aragona was born in Rome on 1947, November 16.
Degree in Medicine and Surgery, “La Sapienza” University, Rome (1972) with an Experimental thesis “Pharmacokinetics of an association of semi-synthetic penicillins administered intravenously”, 110/110 cum laude.
Qualification for professional practice at the University of Rome “La Sapienza” (1973).
Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Rome “La Sapienza” (1976) with an Experimental thesis “Prolactin and female reproduction”, 70/70 and honors. Research director of several CNR projects.
Physician at the II Chair of Obstetric and Gynecological Pathology at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”.
Head of the Laboratory of Experimental Endocrinology of the II Institute of Obstetric and Gynecological Clinic of the University of Rome ” La Sapienza” (1976-84).
Assistential activity at the delivery room of the II Institute of Obstetric and Gynecological Clinic of the University of Rome “La Sapienza” (1976-98).
Head of the Gynecology Service of Childhood and Adolescence of the II Institute of Obstetric and Gynecological Clinic of the University of Rome “La Sapienza” (Prof. L. Carenza) affiliated with the Bambino Gesù Hospital in Rome (1978-87).
Associate Professor at the Institute of Obstetric and Gynecological Clinic of the University of Rome “La Sapienza” from 1980 to 2018.
Head of the Fertilization Center in Vitro and Embrio Transfer (IVF) of the II Institute of Obstetric and Gynecological Clinic of the University of Rome “La Sapienza” (Director Prof. Carenza).
Responsible for the IVF / GIFT divisional activity of the II Institute of Obstetric and Gynecological Clinic of the University of Rome “La Sapienza” (Prof. E.V. Cosmi).
Head of the Sterility Service (FI I04) of the II Institute of Obstetric and Gynecological Clinic of the University of Rome “La Sapienza” (Prof. E.V. Cosmi).
Director of the UOC BG003 “Day Surgery, Laparoscopy and Assisted Reproduction” at the Department of Gynecological, Obstetric, Perinatal and Child Care Sciences of the University of Rome “La Sapienza”.
Honorary Member of FEBRASCO (Brazilian Obstetrics and Gynecology Federation)
Director of UOC OG03 “Infertility and IVF” at the Department of Gynecological, Obstetric and Urological Sciences of the University of Rome “La Sapienza”
Director of UOC SMU C03 Infertility and Fivet, University Hospital “Policlinico Umberto I”. Regional reference center opinion/authorization of health care abroad for the PMA.
Daniele Barbaro, M.D.
EGOI-PCOS MEMBER – Director of U.O. of Endocrinology in Livorno Hospital USL Nord-ovest, Toscana, Italy Contract Professor at the University of Pisa, Toscana, Italy
Daniele Barbaro is Director of U.O. of Endocrinology in Livorno Hospital and contract Professor at the University of Pisa.
He graduated with honors in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Pisa St. Anna School.
He obtained his specialization with honors in Endocrinology at the same University.
Since the year 2000, he is Chief of U.O. of Endocrinology in Livorno Hospital.
He is author of a great number of papers on peer review International journals, as well as invited speakers at International Congresses of Endocrinology.
Currently, his field of interest comprehends thyroid functions, both in physiological and pathological conditions (cancer) and nanotechnology.
Salvatore Benvenga, MD
EGOI-PCOS Member – Full Professor of Medicine (Endocrinology) at the University of Messina.
Chief, Interdept. Program on Molecular & Clinical Endocrinology and Womens’ Endocrine Health, at the University hospital, Policlinico Gaetano Martino, Messina.
Salvatore Benvenga was born on July 24, 1953 in Montalbano Elicona (Messina, Italy).
In 1978 he graduated, magna cum laude, in Medicine & Surgery at the University of Messina with the Thesis: “Does it exists abnormal binding of thyroid hormones to plasma gammaglobulins in thyroid autoimmune disease?”.
In 1981 he obtained the Specialization in Endocrinology at the University of Catania School of Medicine with the Thesis “Peripheral thyroid syndromes except low T3 syndrome. Quantitative and qualitative genetic abnormalities of plasma hormone transport and syndromes of refractoriness of target tissues to thyroid hormones. Recent pathophysiologic aspects, case series and review of the literature”.
Since 2002 he is full professor of Medicine, Section of Endocrinology, at Dept. of Clinical and Experimental Medicine at the University of Messina.
He is internationally known especially for: 1) the set-up of the first assay for serum thyroid hormone autoantibodies (THAb) based on a specif radioimmunoprecipation methods, so that his laboratory is an international reference center for THAb; 2) the set-up of the first radioimmunoassay for human prealbumin; 3) discovery and characterization of thyroid hormone binding to apolipoproteins; 4) having emphasized the importance of endocrine complications (anterior hypopituitarism) following head trauma; 5) having provided evidence in favor of autoimmune thyroid disease being triggered by micororganisms via molecular mimicry in genetically predisposed persons; 6) having demonstrated the superiority of modern formulations of Lthyroxine (compared to the classical tablet formulation) in a variety of clinical settings.
He has received competitive grants and he is currently in the Editorial Board of: Reviews in Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders; Journal of Clinical and Translational Endocrinology; Frontiers in Endocrinology-Thyroid Endocrinology.
Arturo Bevilacqua, PhD
EGOI-PCOS Member – Tenure Professor of Applied Biology at Department of Dynamic and Clinical Psychology, “La Sapienza” University, via dei Marsi 78, 00185 Rome, Italy
Arturo Bevilacqua (August 22nd, 1960) is tenure Professor of Applied Biology at “La Sapienza” University of Rome.
From January 1986 to November 1988 he was Visiting scholar at Prof. Robert P. Erickson’s laboratory, Department of Human Genetics, University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor MI.
On June 1991 he received the PhD in Pediatric Physiopathology at the University of l’Aquila (Italy) with a dissertation entitled: “Development of biotechnologies for the analysis and genetic manipulation of mammalian embryonic development”.
His scientific activity is aimed at the study of the following topics:
- Dependence of adult mammalian neuronal plasticity and learning ability on normal and pathological processes regulated by ligand-receptors and their transcriptional / translational control
- Molecular and cellular aspects of mammalian oogenesis and preimplantation development
- Molecular and cellular regulation of cell proliferation and death in mouse preimplantation embryos
- Cellular and functional aspects of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) in women and in murine models
Maria Salomè Bezerra Espinola, PhD
EGOI-PCOS Member – Director of Laboratory Human assisted Reproduction, Rome, Italy
Maria Salomè Bezerra Espinola was born in Brasil on September 8th, 1981.
Baschelor in Biological Sciences (Universidade Federal da Paraìba – Joao Pessoa – Paraìba – Brazil) from 1999 to 2003.
Practical theoretical course of improvement and specialization in Biology in the field of Assisted Humana Reproduction Laboratory – Secretaria de Estado da Saude, Centro de Referencia da Saude da Mulher (2003-2006).
PhD in Endocrinology and Molecular Medicine Università di Roma Sapienza (2005-2009).
Post Doc in Embriologia Clinica, Università di Roma Sapienza, Laboratorio di PMA Prof Cesare Aragona (2009-2011). Post Doc in Clinical Embriology, Università di Roma Sapienza (2011-2017).
She collaborated with the Laboratory Human assisted Reproduction (BIOS Centro PMA, Fortaleza, Natal and Joao Pessoa, Brazil) and with Laboratory Human assisted Reproduction of National Center of Infertility, Tripoli, Libia.
Tonino Cantelmi, M.D.
EGOI-PCOS MEMBER – Psychiatrist and Psychotherapist
Professor of Psychopathology at the Institute of Psychology, Gregorian University, Rome, Italy
Scientific Director of the SISIFO Therapeutic Community, Tuscania, Italy
President of the Institute of Cognitive-Interpersonal Therapy (ITCI), Rome, Italy
Tonino Cantelmi was born in Rome (Italy) in 1962. He founded in Italy the first School of Specialization in Psychotherapy with a Cognitive-Interpersonal orientation. Actually, he is the director of the School.
He is President of the Institute of Cognitive-Interpersonal Therapy (ITCI) where he carries out his clinical and research activities.
He was the first in Italy to deal with the impact of digital technology on the human mind (he edited the first book on the subject of network addiction: “La mente in internet”, Edizioni Piccin 1999) and founded CEDIS, a body for study of behavioral addictions (specifically technology addiction and sexual addiction).
Since 2018 he is the Scientific Director of the SISIFO Therapeutic Community, in Tuscania, for the treatment of behavioral addictions.
From 1995 to 2020 he was Psychiatric Medical Director for the National Health Service. Since 2021 he is Health and Clinical Scientific Director of the “Opera Don Guanella” in Rome concerning cognitive disability, autism and neurodevelopmental disorders.
He is Professor of Psychopathology at the Institute of Psychology of the Gregorian University of Rome; adjunct Professor of Psychiatry at the degree course in nursing sciences at “Sapienza” University of Rome and Professor of Cyberpsychology at the degree course in psychology, UER.
Pietro Cavalli, M.D.
EGOI-PCOS Member – Consultant in Medical Genetics, ASST Bergamo Est, Italy
Dr. Pietro Cavalli is actually Consultant in Medical Genetics, ASST Bergamo Est, Italy.
Other positions: Formerly Head, UO Servizio di Genetica, Cremona Hospital, Italy; Consultant in Medical Genetics at Istituto Diagnostico Europeo, Cremona, Italy and Member of AVEN Ethical Committee, Reggio Emilia, Italy.
He was born on April 18th 1951, in Lecco. His education is summarized as following: (1976) Graduated in Medicine and Surgery, University of Parma; (1979) Medical specialty in Hematology, University of Parma; (1982) Medical specialty in Preventive Medicine, University of Parma; (1987) Medical specialty in Human Genetics and Cytogenetics, University of Pavia.
From 1999 to 2014 he was Professor of Medical Genetics, Chair of Medical Genetics, University of Brescia, Italy and from 2000 to 2019 Professor of Medical Genetics, University of Brescia, Italy.
In 1997 and 1999 he was visiting at Wolfson Institute London (Barts and the London School of Medicine); in 2007 at Institute of Child Health (University College, London).
Memberships are reported: Ethical Committee, AVEN, Regione Emilia Romagna; Rare Diseases network, Regione Lombardia, Italy; Italian Society of Human Genetics (SIGU); Italian Cytogenetics and Cytogenomics Group; Italian Medical Genetics Group; SIGU onco-genetics group Enigma International Consortium; VEQ cytogenetics, Regione Lombardia; VEQ molecular genetics Regione Lombardia.
Chan Shiao-Yng, MBBChir., FRCOG, PhD.
EGOI-PCOS Member – Associate Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore (NUS)
A/Prof Chan graduated in Medicine from the University of Cambridge (UK) and is a fellow of the RCOG (UK). She practices as a Senior Consultant Obstetrician with special interest in the management of pregnant women with medical disorders at the National University Hospital, Singapore.
Having completed a PhD and with subsequent award of a Health Foundation Clinician Scientist Fellowship (2006-2012) and grant funding from the MRC (UK) and charities she had established a basic science research group at the University of Birmingham, UK. As a Clinician Scientist, she moved in 2014 and started a research program at the National University of Singapore, with a joint appointment as Deputy Executive Director (Women’s Health Programme) at the Singapore Institute for Clinical Sciences, Agency of Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), Singapore. She has received the Clinician Scientist Award from the National Medical Research Council, Singapore in 2016 and again in 2020.
Her research covers the spectrum from basic laboratory science to translational sciences and clinical trials. More specifically, her group studies the cellular mechanisms of endocrine action in fetal-placental growth and development, diagnosis and management of diabetes and thyroid disorders in pregnancy, transplacental passage of hormones, nutrients and lipids, and conduct clinical trials starting preconception or in early pregnancy to assess impact on maternal and child outcomes as well as on placental function. Our laboratory research provides complimentary information alongside on-going clinical trials to help us better understand underlying mechanisms as well as generate new knowledge that enables development of further improved interventions. Recent focus of the group has been on studies performed in collaboration with Singapore Lipidomics Incubator (NUS), where we are advancing the understanding of placental lipid flux, using state-of-the-art lipidomic mass spectrometry techniques. We are studying placental lipid metabolism in relation to maternal obesity and gestational diabetes, and impact on fetal growth, and specifically, the modulating role played by myo-inositol.
She has leading roles in Singapore’s birth cohorts (GUSTO and S-PRESTO) and conducts multi-centred clinical trials in preconception and in pregnancy, including the TABLET and NiPPeR trials. She is the Principal Investigator in Singapore for the multinational (UK, Singapore, New Zealand) NiPPeR (Nutritional Intervention Preconception and during Pregnancy to maintain healthy glucosE levels and offspRing health) trial led by Professor Keith Godfrey (University of Southampton, UK). The main objectives of the NiPPeR trial are to determine the effect of a nutritional drink containing myo-inositol, probiotics and multiple micronutrients taken preconception and during pregnancy on the maintenance of healthy glucose metabolism, with the goal of promoting maternal and offspring wellbeing, with particular focus on offspring body composition and adiposity.
Overall, our research seeks to develop and validate novel interventions and health advice to optimize maternal health status to improve pregnancy outcomes and reduce future offspring health risks. Better understanding of the placenta, optimising care of women before and during pregnancy will ultimately improve the health of the next and subsequent generations.
Chiu Tak Yu Tony, PhD
EGOI-PCOS Member – Scientific Director of a private IVF Centre in Hong Kong
He began his career in the O&G Department of the Chinese University of Hong Kong and setup the first IVF laboratory at Prince of Wales Hospital in 1985. He obtained his Master of Science (Hons) in the O&G Department at the University of Melbourne and later obtained his Doctor of Philosophy in the O&G Department at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
He promoted as the Scientific Officer since 1994 and then as an Adjunct Assistant Professor in 2004 until 2009.
He is currently the Scientific Director of a private IVF Centre in Hong Kong. During his career at the Prince of Wales Hospital, he had established a number of achievements in the milestones of the ART successes in Hong Kong. He carried out a number of studies with reports looking at factors that might affect the outcome of IVF. His main research interest focussed on the possible role of myo-inositol in assisted reproductive technologies.
He had published a number of articles studying the effects of myo-inositol on oocyte and embryo quality. Most of his important scientific works had completed while working with the Prince of Wales Hospital. The Council on Human Reproductive Technology in Hong Kong has appointed him since 2007 as quality control scientist in the inspection team for issue or renewal of IVF Licences for IVF Centres in Hong Kong.
Annamaria Colao, PhD
EGOI-PCOS Member – Full Professor of Endocrinology at the Department of Clinical Medicine Surgery
University Federico II of Naples
Prof. Annamaria Colao was born in Naples on the 4th of September 1958.
In 1986 she specialized in Endocrinology and Metabolism at University Federico II of Naples, starting a shining career as endocrinologist. Today, she is full Professor of Endocrinology at the Department of Clinical Medicine Surgery at University Federico II of Naples.
She is coordinator of national and international research projects with a scientific activity characterized by the publication of more than 800 original articles in international journals. She has published over one hundred treatises, manuals, chapters of books and monographs. She is at the peak of the Top Italian scientists list and is Italian Top Woman scientist.
She is head of the European Network ENDO-ERN (European Reference Network) for the study of rare endocrine pathologies in adult at the Azienda Universitaria Federico II, where she is also responsible for the European center of excellence ENETS (for the study of neuroendocrine tumors) and of the center of excellence for the diagnosis and treatment of obesity CIBO (accredited with SIO and EASO).
She was president of the European Society of Neuroendocrinology for the biennium 2016-2018 and the first woman elected as president of the Italian Society Endocrinology for the biennium 2021-2023.
Recently, her interest has been focused on the different phenotypes of PCOS, and on the importance of tailored therapies, as inositol for the hyperandrogenic and dysmetabolic women suffering this syndrome
Andrew J. Copp, PhD
EGOI-PCOS Member – Developmental Biology & Cancer Research Department | Professor of Developmental Neurobiology, Institute of Child Health, UCL, London UK | Honorary Consultant in Neuropathology, Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, London, UK | Director of Human Developmental Biology Resource (London, UK).
Andrew Copp was Director of Institute of Child Health, UCL, London, UK (2003-2012);
Non-Executive Director, Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, London, UK (2003-2012);
Wellcome Trust Senior Clinical Research Fellow, Inst. Child Health, UCL, London, UK (1992-96);
Research Scientist & head of Medical Embryology Lab, ICRF, Oxford University, UK (1986-92);
Fogarty Internat. Res. Fellow, Department of Pediatrics, Stanford Univ, USA (1984-86).
His educational qualifications and honours are: BA, 1st Class Hons Degree in Zoology, University of Oxford, UK, 1975; DPhil in Experimental Embryology, University of Oxford, UK,1978; MB BS, Guy’s Hospital, University of London, UK, 1983; FMedSci, Academy of Medical Sciences, UK, 2000; FRCPath. Royal College of Pathologists, UK, 2003.
He has extensive experience of the genetics and developmental biology of birth defects, particularly neural tube defects (e.g. spina bifida, anencephaly). His expertise encompasses:
- Mechanisms of neurulation, both normal and abnormal
- Use of whole mouse embryo culture for experimental studies in mice
Together with Prof Nick Greene, he has established a potential novel preventive therapy for recurrent NTDs, based on myo-inositol supplementation. This may increase the level of prevention beyond that achieved by folic acid alone. This new supplementation regime is in clinical trial, after it was originally developed in a mouse genetic model.
Rosario D’Anna, M.D.
EGOI-PCOS Member – Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Department of Human Pathology, School of Medicine, Messina University, Italy
Rosario D’Anna was born in Messina (Italy) in 1954. In 1978, he took his degree in Medicine getting full marks and distinction at the University of Messina. In 1982, at the same University, he was specialized in Obstetrics and Gynecology, getting full marks and distinction. From 1980 to 2002 he was a researcher at the Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Messina University.
In 2002, after a national competition, he became an associate professor and the University of Messina called him. In 2014, he became full professor in the same University.
Actually, he is the Director of the School of Specialization in Obstetrics and Gynecology and coordinates the second channel of the teaching of Obstetrics and Gynecology for the degree in Medicine.
He is the responsible for the Gynecological curriculum in a PhD course: “Biotechnology in Medicine and Surgery”.
He is author and coauthor of 95 publications assessed in the ICI and SCOPUS catalogue. He is a requested referee for many journals and he is invited as speaker in national and International congresses. In 2002, as responsible of a Research Unit, he obtained from the Italian Ministry of Research funds for the program: “Protective effects of the phytoestrogen genistein on bone in post-menopausal women”. Furthermore, he participated in another research program funded by the Italian Ministry of Research: “Role of genistein in the metabolic syndrome of post-menopausal women”.
He is currently the chief of the Specialization School in Obstetrics and Gynecology of Messina University.
His present research focuses on:
- Myo-inositol in the prevention and treatment of gestational diabetes mellitus
- Phytotherapy for climacteric symptoms
Didier Dewailly, PhD, M.D.
EGOI-PCOS Member – Professor of Endocrinology and Reproductive Medicine in the Lille University Hospital, France.
Dr Didier Dewailly was born on December 29, 1951 in Lille, France. Until 2017, he was head of the Department of Endocrine Gynaecology and Reproductive Medicine at the Hôpital Jeanne de Flandre, including an IVF unit. He is now retired from the Hospital but he still keeps an academic position and coordinates the teaching of Medical Gynaecology and Reproductive Medicine for the North-West area of France. He is redactor-in-chief of Médecine-Thérapeutique/Médecine de la Reproduction, which is the journal of the French Reproductive Medicine Society whom he is past-President.
His main fields of interest:
- female hyperandrogenism (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) and other causes) and the Ovulation Disorders mainly PCOS
- hypothalamic amenorrhea
- hypogonadotropic hypogonadism and premature ovarian failure
His group’s research concentrates currently on the markers of ovarian follicles (mainly the antral follicle count by ultrasonography and the assays of AMH) and their diagnostic use for the main causes of ovulation disorders and on the extra-ovarian actions of AMH. Pr Didier Dewailly collaborates tightly with the INSERM team (U1172) of Drs Vincent Prévot and Paolo Giacobini on research about the hypothalamic action of AMH that they were the first to report recently.
Other activities are summarized as following:
- Ad hoc reviewer – Clinical Endocrinology, Human Reproduction, Human Reproduction Update, Fertility and Sterility, European Journal of Endocrinology, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism
- Editor in chief of Médecine de la Reproduction, since 2003
- Coordination of the teaching and training in Endocrinology, Medical Gynaecology and Reproductive Medicine for the North-West area of France
- Scientific publishing (249 citations in PubMed, h-index=52)
Simona Dinicola, Ph.D.
Simona Dinicola (Ragusa, October 31, 1983) is a researcher who currently collaborates with the Systems Biology Group Lab, Rome, Italy.
In 2008 she graduated cum laude in Cellular and Molecular Medical Biotechnology at the University of Rome “La Sapienza” and a few years later, in 2012, obtained her Ph.D. in Experimental Medicine in the same University. In 2017 she got the second graduation in Pharmacy at the University of Rome “La Sapienza” cum laude.
Her research experience in these years has focused on the investigation of how inositols may modulate epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) by targeting the expression of several genes, the activation of the PI3K pathway, as well as the apoptotic process and cytoskeleton rearrangements.
Studying the possible roles of inositols in the oncological field with a system biology approach has assumed a central point in her academic career.
More recently, she is interested in the study of the mechanisms that imply hormonal alterations in diseases, such as PCOS, and how inositols can be involved, as well as represent an effective therapeutic strategy.
Cherubino Di Lorenzo, PhD., M.D.
EGOI-PCOS Member – Researcher at Department of Medico-Surgical Sciences and Biotechnologies “La Sapienza” University, Polo Pontino, Latina, Italy
Cherubino Di Lorenzo (Naples, September 24, 1975) is a neurologist and researcher active in the field of neurogenetics, neurophysiology, and nutraceutical and nutritional treatments for different neurological conditions, in particular headaches. He is the first neurologist who adopted ketogenic diet as a treatment for different headache conditions and conducted several studies on this topic.
He graduated in Medicine and Surgery at Tor Vergata University of Rome (2000), obtaining the specialization in Neurology (2005) at “La Sapienza” University of Rome and the PhD in Neuroscience (2010) at University of Pavia.
During his career he has served as neurological researcher in different Italian institutes of scientific hospitalization and care (IRCCS). Nowadays, he is the medical advisor of Italian Cephalalgic Alliance (Al.Ce., the Italian association of patients with headache).
Also, he is member of several national and international scientific societies (International Headache Society, European Academy of Neurology, European Headache Federation, European Headache Alliance, Italian Society of Neurology, Italian Society for the Study of Headache).
In 2018, he was among the co-founders of the Eupraxia Association, of which he is currently the president, that aims to promote the culture of health and wellness in all their aspects and scientific research in health.
In 2020 he coordinated the Italian Study Group for the use of ketogenic diet in headache clinical practice.
Cherubino Di Lorenzo is author and coauthor of 100 scientific publications assessed in the ICI and SCOPUS catalogue, with 26 of H-index, and different chapters in neurological books.
Nicholas Greene, PhD
EGOI-PCOS Member – Professor of Developmental Neurobiology
Developmental Biology & Cancer Dept, UCL GOS Institute of Child Health
Biochemistry, BA Hons, Christ Church, University of Oxford (1989 – 1993).
PhD Institute of Child Health, UCL (1993 – 1996).
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Department of Pediatrics, UCL (1996 – 2000).
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Institute of Child Health, UCL (2000 – 2001).
Lecturer, Institute of Child Health, UCL (2001 – 2009).
Reader in Developmental Neurobiology, Institute of Child Health, UCL (2009 – 2013).
Professor of Developmental Neurobiology, UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health (2013).
Head of Section: Developmental Biology of Birth Defects (Developmental Biology & Cancer Programme) (2018).
Dr Greene’s research programme focuses on understanding the causes and developing novel therapies for disorders of the developing central nervous system, including neural tube defects (NTDs). We use mouse models to investigate the genetic and metabolic basis of NTDs and to analyse preventive approaches. We found that inositol supplementation can prevent folic acid-resistant NTDs in mice and took this forward to a clinical trial in the UK (PONTI).
A follow-up international trial is now being set up. In parallel, laboratory projects are analysing the mechanisms by which inositol status influences neural tube closure.
Prof. Greene has authored 123 peer-reviewed journal articles & 10 book chapters. For up to date list of publications see: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/myncbi/1zwIEArnjdp/bibliography/public/
Current projects are funded by grant funding from Wellcome Trust, MRC, BBSRC, LifeArc, Action Medical Research, Sparks, Great Ormond Street Children’s Charity and Joseph’s Goal.
Mónica Hebe Vazquez-Levin, PhD
EGOI-PCOS Member – Principal Investigator National Research Council of Argentina
Dr. Vazquez-Levin completed a PhD. in Chemistry (Major Biological Chemistry) at the School of Exact and Natural Sciences from the University of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina (1986). Once graduated, Dr. Vazquez-Levin moved to USA to do a postdoctoral training at the Roche Institute of Molecular Biology (Hoffman La Roche Lab), where she completed several projects in basic reproductive biology in Wassarman’s Lab.
Two years later, she joined the Mount Sinai School of Medicine (MSSM), in New York, as supervisor of the IVF lab and instructor at the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology & Reproductive Sciences. Afterwards, Dr. Vazquez-Levin was called to establish and direct a Clinical and Basic Andrology Laboratory at Beth Israel Medical Center, which became a reference lab for the NY community; in addition to her clinical responsibilities, she also continued her clinical and basic research projects as Assistant Professor of MSSM. In 1994, Dr. Vazquez-Levin returned to Argentina and established a laboratory, she directs since, located at the Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental (IBYME), from the National Research Council of Argentina (CONICET). Both institutions were founded by Dr. Bernardo Houssay, Nobel Prize recipient.
Over the years, Dr. Vazquez-Levin has developed projects in the field of Reproductive Biology (human and animal) and Molecular Oncology, and directed 12 Doctoral thesis, over 25 Master and Bachelors thesis, postdoctoral fellows and early-career scientists, and received national and international visitors. Dr. Vazquez-Levin has organized and given numerous national and international courses, lectured national and international conferences, and has published over 90 original papers, reviews and books chapters, some of which were selected for the journal cover.
She is Editor of Fertility & Sterility and Fertility & Sterility Science journals, and of the International Society of Andrology (ISA). Dr. Vazquez-Levin has received several academic awards for her contributions in science. Dr. Vazquez-Levin has been awarded with national and international grants from prestigious organizations, among them the World Health Organization and the European Community (IRSES; Marie Curie Actions, 7th Framework Programme).
Dr. Vazquez-Levin is an active member of several national (Argentine Society of Biology, of Andrology, of Clinical Investigation, and of Gynecological Endocrinology) and international (ASRM; ASESA, ASRI; AACR; ISA) scientific societies. In addition to presenting her research advances, she has participated in the executive committee of several national and international societies, i.e. President of the Argentine Society of Biology (2015-2016). Dr. Vazquez-Levin has been Doctorate Jury member of several thesis, evaluator in numerous national and international committees (fellowships, grants, institutions), and member of organizing committees of national and international meetings. In addition, Dr. Vazquez-Levin has developed activities as consultant of public and private companies in her field of expertise.
Evanthia Diamanti-Kandarakis, PhD, M.D.
EGOI-PCOS Member -Professor of Internal Medicine, Endocrinology and Metabolism, Medical School University of Athens
Chairman of the Third Department of Medicine, Medical School University of Athens
Dr. Evanthia Diamanti-Kandarakis is emeritus professor of Internal Medicine & Endocrinology and Chairman of the Department of Endocrinology & Diabetes Hygeia Hospital Athens.
She received her MD from Medical School of Athens and her PhD in experimental Endocrinology on the effects of androgens in hypophysectomised rats, from the same University.
Her training in Internal Medicine took place in England (1974-1980), and in Endocrinology- Diabetes, Metabolism & Obesity in USA (1980-1986).
Her research interests have focused for the last 25 years on clinical, molecular and environmental aspects of metabolic & hormonal abnormalities in obesity Diabetes and Polycystic ovarian syndrome. Recently her scientific interest has included the environmental Endocrinology and specifically on the effects of Endocrine Disruptors in endocrinopathies.
This work has generated 190 publications with 24000 citations, classifying her among the 27 worldwide best Greek scientists and the first Greek woman endocrinologist among them.
In 2016, 2017 and 2018 she has received the 1st award of the best teacher in endocrinology in Greece, after undisclosed vote among young trainees endocrinologists in Greece.
On 22nd of May 2017 at the European Congress of Endocrinology in Lisbon, the European Society of Endocrinology, has awarded her with the “HORMONE MEDAL of European Endocrinological Societies” for her outstanding contribution in the field of Endocrinology and Metabolism, among 49 candidates from all European endocrinological societies.
She is the inspiratory and organizer of the monothematic and interactive training COMBO ENDO, international course which takes place yearly in Athens Greece.
She is the author of several chapters and editor of 20 books of endocrinology.
She currently is the editor of the following books under publication: The applied endocrinology 2020, Environmental endocrinology by Elsevier 2020 and Polycystic ovarian syndrome by Elsevier 2020, which are in the publication process.
Dr. Diamanti-Kandarakis has been invited by the international academic community as a speaker and Tutor and has given more than 250 lectures, literally around the globe (Europe, Asia, Africa, North & South America).
Imelda Hernàndez Marin, M.D.
EGOI-PCOS Member – Specialist in human reproduction at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)
Surgeon of the Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco, Dr. Hernández is also a specialist in human reproduction at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM).
Since 1997 she has been working at the Juárez de México Hospital of the Secretary of Health of Mexico City, one of the most important institutions in the country.
In this center, since 2005 she has been responsible for the human reproductive biology service, where she coordinates the clinics of infertility, repeated pregnancy loss, endocrine gynecology, menopause and osteoporosis.
In the research area of Juárez hospital, she is also full professor of the post-graduate course in reproductive biology, approved by UNAM.
In the research area, she has participated in various clinical protocols relating to contraception, long-term risks and the treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome, sexual dysfunction in menopause, the evaluation and treatment of cardiovascular and metabolic risk in menopause, osteoporosis in menopausal women and dermatological aspects of polycystic ovary syndrome.
Her research led her to attend meetings of her specialty. This participation and her long academic career have led her to actively participate in different scenarios, national conferences throughout the country and in some Latin American countries such as Argentina, Ecuador, Panama, Peru, Colombia, among others, as well as in the United States and Europe.
Moshe Hod, MD
EGOI-PCOS Member – Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University, Israel
Director of Mor Comprehensive Women’s Health Center, Tel Aviv
Member of the Executive Board of the International Federation of Obstetrics and Gynecology (FIGO) and Chairman of the FIGO Pregnancy and Non-Communicable Disease Committee (PNCDC)
Moshe Hod was trained in Obstetrics and Gynecology in Israel and later in Perinatal Medicine in the leading medical institutions: Hammersmith Hospital, the Royal Postgraduate Medical School, London, UK, Northwestern University Medical School in Chicago, and the University of Texas in San-Antonio, Texas, US.
He was Director of the Maternal Fetal Medicine Division at the Helen Schneider Women’s Hospital, Rabin Medical Center.
He serves as a member of the Executive Board of Directors, the International Association of Diabetes in Pregnancy Study Groups (IADPSG).
He was the Chairman of the Board of the Diabetic Pregnancy Study Group (DPSG) of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) and a member of the postgraduate educational committee of the EASD.
He is the author of more than 300 scientific publications, and he is the lead editor of the TEXTBOOK OF DIABETES AND PREGNANCY, Publishers: Informa Healthcare, London, UK.
He is the lead editor of the Textbook – New Technologies and Perinatal Medicine, Prediction and Prevention of Pregnancy Complications. He has organized and chaired numerous international congresses and given workshops on various aspects of perinatal medicine.
Moshe Hod is the founder and President of the International Symposium on Diabetic Pregnancy (DIP) held every two years.He is the co-President of the World Congress on Women’s Health: Innovations and Inventions (WHII 2020): Addressing Unmet Needs.
Zdravko Kamenov MD, PhD
Graduated in medicine at the Medical University-Sofia, Bulgaria. Acknowledged specialities in Endocrinology and Metabolism; Internal Diseases; Public Health and Health Management; Sexual medicine.
Currently Head of the Clinic of Endocrinology, “Alexandrovska” University Hospital, Chair Department of Internal Diseases, Medical University-Sofia, Bulgaria, Specialized in UK, Denmark, Russia, Japan, Austria, Italy and USA.
President of the Bulgarian Association for Sexual Medicine. Fellow of the American College of Endocrinology/American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, Fellow of the European Committee of Sexual Medicine.
Member of several national and international scientific and editorial boards.
Area of special interest: Metabolic syndrome, (Pre-)Diabetes mellitus, Obesity, Reproductive endocrinology, Sexual Medicine, Andrology, Thyroid diseases.
More than 250 papers in peer-reviewed international and national journals and books.
Eleni Kandaraki, PhD, M.D.
EGOI-PCOS Member -Lecturer in Endocrinology & Diabetes at the European University Cyprus (EUC)
Dr. Eleni Kandaraki is a Lecturer in Endocrinology & Diabetes at the European University Cyprus (EUC). She graduated from Medical School of Athens University in Greece in 2007 and completed her PhD at the same university in 2013. After full clinical training in Internal Medicine and completion of all three parts of Membership exams in the United Kingdom, she was awarded a Member of the Royal College of Physicians (MRPCP UK).
She proceeded with specialty training in Athens, Greece and in 2018, she obtained her Certificate as Specialist in Endocrinology and Diabetes. Dr. Eleni Kandaraki has a significant amount of scientific publications in peer-reviewed journals and made presentations at local and international level.
She has received awards from the Hellenic Endocrine Society, The European Tissue Repair Society and the US Endocrine Society for research in advanced glycation end products, endocrine disruptors and female reproduction. She is currently practicing clinical Endocrinology in the private sector, but she is also interested in medical education and training.
She is co-organizer of the ‘Combo-endocrinology post-graduate training course’ series, sponsored by the European Endocrine Society, she is teaching Clinical Endocrinology & Diabetes in senior medical students and coordinating the Pathophysiology courses in pre-clinical medical years at EUC. She speaks fluently Greek, English and Italian.
Antonio Simone Laganà, PhD, M.D.
EGOI-PCOS Member – Professor of Gynecology and Obstetrics In The Department of Health Promotion, Mother and Child Care, Internal Medicine and Medical Specialties (Promise), University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy
Antonio Simone Laganà was born in Reggio Calabria (Italy) on 8th May 1986. He is Coordinator of the Special Interest Group for Endometriosis & Endometrial Disorders (SIGEED) of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) and Ambassador of the World Endometriosis Society (WES); Member of the International Society of Gynecological Endocrinology (ISGE). Antonio Simone Laganà holds a master of “Gynecological Minimally Invasive and Robotic Surgery” from the University of Pisa, developed an intensive surgical training programme at the Univerzitetni Klinični Center, Ljubljana, Slovenia, and obstetric/gynaecological ultrasound training at the Altamedica Main Centre in Rome, Italy.
His research interests include endometriosis, reproductive immunology, infertility, gynaecological endocrinology, laparoscopy, and hysteroscopy. He is the author of more than 440 papers published in international peer-reviewed journals, and his presence is often requested as an invited speaker at international congresses. He is currently an editor of high-impact journals, including Scientific Reports, Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology, Journal of Ovarian Research, Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation, and many others.
Giovanni Monastra
EGOI-PCOS Member – Systems Biology Group Lab, Rome, Italy
Giovanni Monastra currently collaborates with the Systems Biology Group Lab, Rome, Italy.
After his university degree in Biological Sciences, he worked for twenty years in a pharmaceutical company. There he conducted preclinical and clinical studies in neuropharmacology and immunopharmacology to evaluate the therapeutic activity of natural molecules such as serine phospholipids, gangliosides, coumarins, and hyaluronic acid.
In the nineties he worked, for some years, also in other Italian and foreign research labs (among them, the Institute of Oncology at University of Padua, Italy, and the Department of Neuropathology at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York, USA).
Subsequently, for ten years, he coordinated several scientific projects in public research centers, and taught in postgraduate specialization schools in the field of food and nutrition.
In that period, he was member of some Ministerial Commissions in the nutrition and health sector, mainly focused to verify the effects of Genetically Modified Organisms contained in food.
Currently, he is carrying out studies in Nutritional Biochemistry and Gynecology to assess the therapeutic effects of natural molecules such as inositols, alpha-lipoic acid, vitamin D, and alpha- lactalbumin.
He is co-author of books and scientific papers, published in international peer-reviewed journals, and holds six pharmaceutical patents.
He was member of the editorial board of the “Journal of Nutritional Ecology and Food Research” and is peer reviewer for the journal “Genes and Nutrition”.
Mario Montanino Oliva, M.D.
EGOI-PCOS Member – Aggregate Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology Saint Camillus International University of Health and medical Sciences (Unicamillus), Rome, Italy
Scientific Director of Altamedica Reproductive Medicine
Graduated in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Rome “La Sapienza” and specialized in Gynecology and Obstetrics at the same University, he has always been interested in reproductive medicine and endoscopic surgery. He specialized in assisted reproduction techniques at Bourn Hall Clinic in Cambridge in England, where the first in vitro fertilization was performed in the world and then spending more than a year in the department of reproductive medicine and endoscopic surgery of the University of Connecticut (USA).
For more than 20 years he has been consultant of gynecology and obstetrics at the Department of Women’s Health and Reproductive Pathophysiology of the S. Spirito Hospital in Rome.
He is qualified as a Consultant in Reproductive Medicine in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates.
He is member of ESHRE, ASR, and AAGL. He is an honorary member of the Reproductive Medicine Society in Pakistan where he frequently teaches in theoretical-practical courses.
He often gave lectures at conferences both in Italy and abroad, he is the author of numerous publications in international journals, in particular concerning the use of inositol in human reproduction, infertility, endometriosis, and endoscopic surgery.
Ali Cenk Özay, M.D.
Ali Cenk Özay was born in Mersin, Turkey, on December 9th, 1984.
He graduated from Gazi University Faculty of Medicine in 2009 (Ankara). He completed his specialty training in Obstetrics and Gynecology at Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Medicine in 2015 (İzmir) with the theses “Comparison of Anti-müllerian Hormone Levels in Patients with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Using Oral Contraceptives or Myoinositol+Folic Acid”. He has been working at Cyprus International University since December 2022. He has been an associate professor in Obstetrics and Gynecology since February 26th, 2021.
His special interest is the pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment modalities of polycystic ovary syndrome. He also conducts research activities in the fields of reproductive endocrinology, gynecology, and obstetrics by taking part in many working groups. He is author and co-author of many scientific reports and chapters in handbooks.
His memberships are listed; The Society of Reproductive Medicine and Surgery, Turkish Society of Reproductive Medicine, Cyprus Turkish Medical Association.
John E. Nestler, M.D.
EGOI-PCOS Member – Professor of Medicine at Virginia commonwealth University in Richmond, Virginia
John E. Nestler, MD, MACP is Professor of Medicine at Virginia commonwealth University in Richmond, Virginia.
Dr. Nestler received his medical degree from the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine and completed his internship, residency and chief medical residency in Internal Medicine at the Medical College of Virginia (now known as Virginia Commonwealth University [VCU]).
He completed his fellowship in Endocrinology & Metabolism at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine.
Dr. Nestler is the former chair of VCU’s Department of Internal Medicine and a member of the Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism. He holds joint appointments as professor in the departments of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Pharmacology and Toxicology.
Dr. Nestler’s research has focused on the role of insulin resistance in the polycystic ovary syndrome. He has been a principal investigator on numerous research projects, receiving funding from grant sources that include the NIH, the Juvenile Diabetes Association, the American Diabetes Association, among others, and he has also received two of VCU School of Medicine’s highest honors, “Outstanding Research Achievement Award” and the “Distinguished Mentor in the Clinical Sciences Award.”
He is a member of the American Society for Clinical Investigation, the Association of American Physicians, and the American Clinical and Climatological Association.
Maurizio Nordio, PhD
EGOI-PCOS Member – Outpatient Medical Specialist at “La Sapienza” University of Rome
Maurizio Nordio graduated in Medicine and Surgery in 1982 with full marks. He obtained his specialization in 1986, defending an experimental thesis entitled: “Effects of the inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis on the release of LH induced by naloxone”, obtaining the mark of 70/70 with honors. He received his PhD in Endocrinological and Metabolic Sciences in July 1992.
The beginning of his scientific career was characterized by the study of the correlations between the changes in the content of prostaglandins in human seminal fluid and the effects on male fertility. Later, he undertook neuroendocrinology studies, verifying the effects of in vitro administration of phosphatidylserine to LHRH-secreting hypothalamic cells. However, the study of the pineal gland, and melatonin in particular, has represented and represents his main research field, since 1987.
More recently, his research has focused on Inositols and, especially, on their beneficial effects in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), in terms of fertility recovery and improvement of insulin resistance, typical features of this syndrome.
Moreover, Inositol also affects thyroid function, improving its efficiency and therefore his current work focuses on the study of these polyols in thyroid pathologies.
Finally, another field of clinical research concerns insulin and insulin resistance which is a very common condition nowadays that can lead to diabetes. Some substances, such as inositol, can improve insulin sensitivity, as well to changes in the intestinal microbiota. This a new and much promising research field regarding the role of gut bacteria as well-being promoters or indicators of disease.
Olga Papalou, M.D.
EGOI-PCOS Member – Clinical Associate in the Department of Endocrinology & Diabetes, Hygeia Hospital, Athens, Greece
PhD student in Medical School of Athens
Olga Papalou holds a Medical Degree from the National and Kapodistrian University, Medical School of Athens since 2012.
She is currently a Clinical Associate in the Department of Endocrinology & Diabetes, in Hygeia Hospital, Athens, Greece and is completing her PhD in Endocrinology in the Medical School of Athens.
Her research interests include:
Female reproduction
Basilio Pintaudi, M.D.
EGOI-PCOS Member – Diabetologist at ASST Grande Ospedale Metropolitano Niguarda, Milan
Basilio Pintaudi (Messina, August 27, 1981) is a diabetologist and researcher active also in the field of nutraceutical.
He graduated in Medicine and Surgery at Messina University, obtaining the specialization in Diabetology and Metabolic Diseases at Messina University. He worked at the research institute Mario Negri Sud. He has acquired specific skills in the planning, development and analysis of clinical trials, observational studies, studies concerning administrative health data (Hospital Discharge Forms, population registers, disease registers).
Skills related to the development and psychometric assessment of quality of life questionnaires, clinical epidemiology, pharmaco-epidemiology, medical writing were also recognized.
He was the national coordinator of the Italian standard of diabetes care (2018), Chair of the national Panel of the Italian Ministerial Guidelines for the therapy of type 1 diabetes mellitus,
member of the national Panel of the Italian Ministerial Guidelines for the therapy for type 2 diabetes mellitus, member of the Register of Expert Peer Reviewers for Italian Scientific Evaluation, member of the national study group on diabetes and pregnancy, national coordinator of the real world evidence study group of the Associazione Medici Diabetologi, member of the statistical board of the international project Cities Changing Diabetes, Director of the Italian Research Network of the Associazione Medici Diabetologi.
He is member of several national and international scientific societies and author and co-author of several scientific publications. He is Editor of several national and international scientific journal.
Olga Pustotina, PhD, M.D.
EGOI-PCOS Member – Associate Professor of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Private Educational Institution of Supplementary Education “Academy of Medical Education named F.I. Inozemtsev”, Saint-Petersburg, Russia.
M.D. at I.M. Sechenov Moscow Medical University (Russia) (1985-1991) and Post-graduation in Obstetrics & Gynecology at Scientific Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Perinatology, Moscow, Russia (1991-1999).
Associate Professor of the Department of management of pregnant women with high infectious risk, Scientific Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology, Moscow, Russia (1999-2007) and associate Professor of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, RUDN Moscow (2007-2019).
From 2019 she is associate Professor of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Private Educational Institution of Supplementary Education “Academy of Medical Education named F.I. Inozemtsev” Saint-Petersburg, Russia.
From 2017 she is Head of the Scientific and Educational Project “Expertologiya” Moscow, Russia (www.expertologiya.ru).
Her memberships are: Russian Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Russian Society of Contraception, Russian Society of genital infections and neoplasia, Russian Society of esthetic gynecology, Europe Society of Contraception, Europe Society of Contraception and Reproductive Health, Laser & Health Academy (LA&HA)
Her main scientific interests are summarized:
• Reproductive health and contraception
• Early pregnancy loss
• Preterm birth
• Vaginal infections
• Postpartum infections
• Integrative foods and supplements
• ER:YAG laser in the treatment of GUMS
Lali Pkhaladze, MD, Ph.D.
EGOI-PCOS Member – Professor at the Department of Reproductology and OB/GYN Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, and Clinical Director at “Prof. Zhordania and Prof. Khomasuridze Institute of Reproductology, Tbilisi, Georgia
Born in Tbilisi, Georgia in 1967. Graduated Tbilisi State Medical University, faculty of internal medicine, specialized in gynecological endocrinology, gynecology and reproductive health.
In 2002 received her Ph.D.
Lali Pkhaladze is a professor at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University in the department of Reproductology and OB/GYN, holds the position of Clinical Director at “Prof. Zhordania and Prof. Khomasuridze Institute of Reproductology”.
She is the co-author and director of Residency programme in “Reproductology”, the member of “EGOI-PCOS”, the fellow of various international scientific societies, coordinator and trainer of international programs in Reproductive Health (UNFPA, WHO, USAID), the principal investigator of clinical trials. Currently she holds the position of General Secretary of Georgian Association of Reproductive Health. She has regularly participated as a speaker at numerous national and international congresses and conferences. Author of 45 scientific research publications, 2 manual books, national guidelines.
Special interests: PCOS, Hyperandrogenism, Adolescent gynecology, Menopause, Infertility, Endometriosis.
Giuseppina Porcaro, M.D.
EGOI-PCOS Member – Outpatient Medical Specialist at Asl Umbria 2
Enrolled in the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Perugia in the academic year 1993-1994.
Graduated with 110/110 with honors on 27 July 2000, at the University of Perugia, discussing an experimental thesis entitled “Bronchial resection-anastomosis. Study on indications, technique and oncological and functional results “(speaker: chiar.mo Prof. Giuliano Daddi).
She obtained the qualification to the medical profession at the University of Perugia, in the First Session of 2001. On October 5, 2005, at the University of Perugia, she graduated in Thoracic Surgery with a score of 50/50 with honors, discussing an experimental thesis entitled “Lobectomies with pulmonary artery angioplasty” (supervisor: chiar.mo Prof. Giuliano Daddi).
On July 31, 2012, pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 368/99, at the University of Perugia, the specialization in Gynecology and Obstetrics with a score of 50/50 with honors, discussing an experimental thesis entitled “Non-invasive Prenatal Diagnosis: Reliability and accuracy of the screening tests in the first trimester of pregnancy “(speaker: chiar.mo Prof. Gian Carlo Di Renzo).
Internal doctor at the Institute of General and Thoracic Surgical Clinic of the University of Perugia, directed by prof. Giuliano Daddi from October 1996 to July 2000.
From 2007 to 2012 she attended the Obstetric-Gynecological Clinic of the University of Perugia directed by Prof. Giancarlo Di Renzo, dealing, in particular, with Obstetric Pathology and Perinatal Medicine. From December 2012 to August 2013, she held the position of 1st level Medical Director at the Orvieto Hospital. Since 2016 Outpatient Medical Specialist at Asl Umbria 2.
Freelance activity aimed at the study of perinatal pathology, the assistance of at-risk pregnancies and endrocrino-gynecological pathologies.
In recent years she has focused her training activities on:
- Study of clinical and ultrasound problems related to high-risk pregnancies
- Endocrinological gynecological pathology
Nikos Prapas, PhD, M.D., M.Sc.
EGOI-PCOS Member – Clinically responsible medically assisted procreation center, IAKENTRO
Professor Nikos Prapas graduated in Medicine from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and completed his specialization in Gynecology and Obstetrics in 1983.
His interest in infertility problems led him to Italy in 1984, where for a year he trained on infertility treatments (Hysteroscopy, Laparoscopy, Andrology, Assisted Fertilization), under the guidance of Professor Ettore Cittadini, one of the pioneers for the affirmation of the GIFT method (Gamete Intra-Fallopian Transfer) in Europe.
In 1997, as a Fellow visitor, he followed the work of the Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology department of the University of Yale in the USA for a year. Subsequently, he continued his professional training at various cutting-edge centers in the field of assisted fertilization (Prof. Schoysman Belgium/Jones & Jones Institute, USA). He holds a postgraduate (master) degree with a thesis on Clinical Embryology and Andrology from the Jones & Jones Institute.
Professor Nikos Prapas has played a leading role in affirming the method of embryo transfer under continuous trans-abdominal ultrasound control in in vitro fertilization (IVF).
He also made an important contribution to the topic of infertility with his extensive list of publications.
Scott Roseff, M.D., FACOG
EGOI-PCOS Member – Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology and in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility
South Florida Institute for Reproductive Medicine (IVFMD.com)
The UAG School of Medicine (9/1978-6/1982). Rotating Internship (Fifth Pathway): St. Barnabas Medical Center, Livingston, NJ (8/1982-6/1983).
Residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology: The Stamford Hospital, Stamford, CT (7/1983-6/1987).
Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility: UCSD Medical Center, San Diego, CA (10/1987-9/1989).
Medical Licensure in NY, NJ, CT, CA, and FL. Board Certification in Obstetrics and Gynecology 12/1992. Recertification in
Obstetrics and Gynecology 6/2002. Board Certification in Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility 4/1994. Recertification in both Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility 2002; 2008, and annually thereafter.
Associate Editor, Endocrinology & Metabolism International Journal.
Medical Advisory Board, International Council for Infertility Information Dissemination (INCIID).
The American Society for Reproductive Medicine.
Fellow, The American Congress of Obstetricians & Gynecologists.
The Society for Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility.
Associate Editor, Endocrinology & Metabolism International Journal (2015-present).
Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor, Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Endocrinology – Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine (LECOM, Bradenton) (2/2014 – present).
Founder and Former Director – Division of Reproductive Medicine, St. Barnabas Medical Center (10/1989-12/1992).
Saghar Salehpour, M.D.
EGOI-PCOS Member – Professor in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
Medical Director IVF Center, Ayatollah Taleghani Hospital, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
Saghar Salehpour was born in Tehran, Iran.
In 1983 she started University in Esfahan, Iran, following her graduation as Medical Doctor in 1989. Four years later, in 1993, Dr. Salehpour obtained her specialization in Obstetrics and Gynecology, in Esfahan, Iran.
After, she attended 1 year fellowship in reproduction, infertility and IVF in Assisted Conception Unit (A.C.U.) Academic unit of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at University of Birmingham, U.K., under the supervision of Mr. M. Afnan, director of A.C.U.
Her current position are listed below:
- Member of national board certificate of ob/gyn 2005
- Member of national board certificate of infertility fellowship since 2008
- Academic head of infertility fellow SBMU
- Medical director ob/gyn ward and IVF center- Taleghani Hospital SBMU
- Member of board of ISRM (Iranian society of reproduction medicine)
- Medical director of Nikan IVF centers
Dr. Saghar Salehpour is author of more than 50 publications in national and international journals.
Moreover, she counts more than 30 university approved researches.
Christophe O. Soulage, PhD
EGOI-PCOS Member – Professor of Physiology, Department of Medicine and Department of Biosciences, University of Lyon, Lyon, France
Pr Christophe O. Soulage was born on 1974 near Geneva, Switzerland. Christophe O. Soulage is Full Professor of Physiology (Department of Biosciences, Department of Medicine) in University of Lyon. He held a PhD in “Integrative Physiology” in 2004 from University Claude Bernard Lyon 1 and a Habilitation thesis to Manage Research (HDR) from Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon (INSA-Lyon) in 2014. He was appointed as Associate Professor in Physiology and Pharmacology at INSA-Lyon, a French Elite’s school in 2005 and got a position of full Professor of Physiology in University of Lyon in 2019. He has authored more than 80 scientific papers in international journal and contributed to several scientific books.
His scientific interests are focused on the study of the following topics:
- Role of oxidative stress and lipoperoxydation by-products (mainly lipid aldehydes) in the pathophysiology of insulin resistance in the context of metabolic syndrome, obesity, and type 2 diabetes.
- Beneficial effects of inositols in insulin signaling and insulin sensitivity in animal models of metabolic diseases.
- Role of uraemic toxins in the development of insulin resistance and dysmetabolism associated with chronic kidney disease (CKD)
His group’s research concentrates currently on the cardiovascular risks associated with chronic kidney disease and the molecular mechanisms of cardio-renal syndrome and uremic cardiopathy with a special focus on uraemic toxins.
Svetlana Spremović Radjenović, PhD
EGOI-PCOS member – Head of the Gynecological Endocrinology Department Clinic of Gynecology and Obstetrics, University Clinical Center of Serbia (KCS) and Professor of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade (Serbia).
Born in Belgrade, Serbia, in 1960, Dr Svetlana Spremović Radjenović is a gynecologist and obstetrician, Professor at Medical Faculty, researcher, subspecialist of endocrinology and infertility, especially dealing with gynecological endocrinology, PCOS and anovulatory infertility.
Hereinafter is her professional journey:
- Specialist in gynecology and obstetrics since 1993
- General Endocrinology Subspecialist since 2004
- Subspecialist in Fertility and sterility since 2022
- Master’s degree at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade in the field of endocrinology in 1991
- PhD from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade in 1995, in the field of neuroendocrinology
- International Course in Hysteroscopy, Cyprus 2004, organized by the European Society of Endoscopic Surgery
- Laparoscopic suturing course in Leuven in 2008, organized by the European Society of Endoscopic Surgery
She is President of the Serbian Association for Gynecological and Reproductive Endocrinology (SAGRE) from 2018; Member of the American Association of Endocrinologists: ~ Endocrine Society ~ (invited to join); Member of the International Association of Gynecological Endocrinology (ISGE); Member of Serbian Medical Society and Serbian Society for Reproductive Medicine.
She is author and coauthor of the publications in peer-reviewed, internationally recognized journals, chapters in textbooks, books and monographs: author or co- author of 24 papers published in full form in international peer- reviewed journals with impact factor, 18 papers published in international peer reviewed journals indexed in Medline, 120 papers published as full text or as an abstract in international and nationals Abstract Books or journal supplements, author of 15 chapters in books, textbooks and monographs, participates in 2 international scientific projects, and 2 national scientific projects, the organiser of the First International Congress of Serbian Association for Gynecologic and Reproductive Endocrinology
Annarita Stringaro, PhD
EGOI-PCOS Member -Researcher of National Center for Drug Research and Evaluation, Italian National Institute of Health, Rome, Italy
Annarita Stringaro (Date and Place of Birth: 30th October, 1968, Rome, Italy) is a researcher of National Center for Drug Research and Evaluation, Italian National Institurte of Health, Rome, from 2002.
Her educational working experience can be summarized as follows: Degree with honours in Biological Science at University of Rome, “La Sapienza” Italy (1992); 5 years course for specialization in Clinical Pathology at University of Rome “La Sapienza” (2000-2004) and 3st year of a Post-Doctoral Course in Medical Microbiology at The Catholic University of Rome (2007-2011).
Her working career and scientific awards include: Electron Microscopy Grant (1994); AIDS Grant (from 14/11/1994 untill 14/11/95 and from 22/02/1996 untill 22/02/1997); Italian National Institute of Health Grant (2000); XIV Premio Mascia Brunelli 2000 Grant, ONLUS-AICC and SIMS 2004 Grant, Italian Society for Microscopies, Italy.
Her research activities are on the investigation with morphological, ultrastructural, cytofluorimetric and immunocytochmical methods on the mechanisms of action at subcellular level of various antitumoral and antimicrobic agents; on the mechanisms underlying the multidrug resistance phenomenon; on the chemiosensitizing effects of natural products of different origin on cultured drug resistant tumour cells and isolated micro-organisms.
Recently she is involved in studies on nano-microtoxicology, in particular she is studing the nano-microparticles interactions with isolated microorganisms and cultured drug resistant tumour cells. Now, she is involved in the evaluation of new drug delivery systems. The research work in the production of polymeric nano-microcarriers has been focused on the nano-microencapsulation of both hydrophobic and hydrophilic therapeutic agents.
The possibility to realize injectable reservoirs for controlled release (e.g., natural products loaded nano-microparticles) may provide a strategy for the administration of chemical drugs with poor solubility. Her findings could lead to the identification and formulation of potential new treatment methods, based on the combination of these compounds (free or encapsulated) with conventional drugs.
She coordinated or collaborated to research projects funded by the Italian Ministry of Health or other European institutions. Dr Annarita Stringaro is author of 85 articles in peer-reviewed national and international journals.
Marat Tugushev, M.D., PhD
EGOI-PCOS Member – Chief Department of Reproductive Medicine, Clinical Embryology and Genetics of Samara State Medical University (Russia)
Dr Tugushev is a scientist and clinician with 30 years’ experience in academic and practical medicine, biomedical research and healthcare. He currently serves as Head doctor at Medical Company IDK, Samara, Russia.
Medical Company IDK is an innovative private corporation specializing in providing services in obstetrics & gynecology and reproductive medicine, with more than 700 employees, whose pioneering in vitro fertilization (IVF) work led to the birth of the third IVF baby born in Russia in 1992.
The company is an affiliate of the Samara State Medical University and is a training center in reproductive endocrinology, assisted reproductive technologies (ART), hysteroscopy, laparoscopy, cervical pathology, and other advanced medical technologies.
Dr Tugushev has started his practice as gynecologist (gynecological surgeon). In 1988 he became one of the pioneers of laparoscopy and hysteroscopy in Russia when he organized the first endosurgical center in Samara and prepared many students in gynecological surgery. His principal area of focus was the organ-preserving surgery in gynecology and the treatment of genital prolapse in women.
In 2001 Dr Tugushev opened the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department in which the problems of gynecological endocrinology, endometriosis and pregnancy treatment could be solved.
From 2009 to the present time Dr Tugushev works on creating the medical quality management system in IDK Medical Company.
He serves at the Department of Postgraduate Education of Samara State Medical University since 2008.
Dr Tugushev is also the author of five original postgraduate workshops on endometriosis and urine incontinence in women.
Now Dr Tugushev is the Head of the Medical company IDK, Samara (part of the Mother and Child group of companies) and the Chief of Department of Reproductive Medicine, Clinical Embryology and Genetics of Samara State Medical University.
Virginia Unfer
EGOI-PCOS Member – Psychology student, UER University of Rome, Italy
Virginia Unfer is currently a psychology student, at the UER University of Rome.
Her interest is particularly aimed at studying the psychological symptoms of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and how inositol supplementation may revert them.
Also, she is focusing on exploring how inositol supplementation may help to recover side effects induced by mood stabilizers and anticonvulsant drugs.
Ivana Vucenik, PhD
EGOI-PCOS Member – Professor of Medical & Research Technology and Pathology at the University of Maryland School of Medicine in Baltimore, MD.
Dr. Ivana Vucenik is Associate Professor of Medical & Research Technology and Pathology at the University of Maryland School of Medicine in Baltimore, MD.
She received her PhD in Immunology and Hematology from the University of Zagreb, Croatia and joined the University of Maryland in 1990.
Since then she has been studying bioactive properties of dietary compounds, particularly the anticancer function of inositol hexaphosphate (InsP6) and inositol in vivo and in vitro. She has been investigating the effect of InsP6 on cancer cell growth, differentiation, and its interaction with intracellular signal transduction pathways to understand the molecular mechanism(s) underlying this antineoplastic action.
Dr. Vucenik has also been studying the antiplatelet and natural killer (NK)-cell enhancing functions of InsP6. Another research project in her laboratory focuses on platelet aggregation and the phenomenon of aspirin resistance in humans. As recognized nutrition researcher and educator, she has made numerous presentations at national and international meetings.
Her research has been supported by grants from the Susan Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, the American Institute for Cancer Research, the University of Maryland Designated Research Initiative Fund, and the University of Maryland Women Health Research Foundation.
Artur Wdowiak, PhD
EGOI-PCOS Member – Associate Professor and Head of Diagnostic Techniques Unit at the Medical University of Lublin, Poland.
Medical University (Collegium Maximum), Staszica 4-6, 20-081 Lublin, Poland
Associate Professor Artur Wdowiak is Head of Diagnostic Techniques Unit at the Medical University of Lublin, Poland.
Since 2013 he is the president of International Scientific Association for the Support and Development of Medical Technologies and editor-in-chief of European Journal of Medical Technologies.
Besides the University, he deals with assisted reproduction techniques in Ovum Specialist Medical Centre in Lublin. He received his Ph.D from Medical University of Lublin in 1996.
He is author and co-author of many scientific reports and chapters in handbooks.
His research interests includes male and female infertility.
Maria Isidora Margarita Yap-Garcia, M.D.
EGOI-PCOS MEMBER – Obstetrics & Gynecology, Infertility, Reproductive Medicine and Surgery
Doctor Yap-Garcia was born on 04/28/1978.
Her education is herein reported:
• University of the Philippines, B.S. Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
• Doctor of Medicine, University of Santo Tomas
• OBGYN Residency, University of the Philippines, Philippine General Hospital
• Fellowship in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility, St. Luke’s Medical Center, Philippines
• Fellowship in Minimally Invasive Gynecology, University of Ottawa, Ottawa ON Canada
Dr. Yap-Garcia is part of the clinical faculty of the St. Luke’s Medical Center College of Medicine, William H. Quasha Memorial. She is also head of the Fellows’ Research Committee in the same institution.
Her fields of interest include Infertility, Endometriosis, and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome where she has published and presented papers in local and international fora.
She is likewise a contributor to the local Clinical Practice Guidelines for these topics.
She is presently seated at the Board of the Philippine Society for Reproductive Medicine where she serves as its Public Relations Officer.
She is also a founding member of the ad hoc Committee on Breast Health and Breast Cancer Awareness of the Philippine Obstetrical and Gynecological Society.